Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Holiday to Remember

          Joyful Christmas-tree decorations and sparkling lightings, underneath boxes with presents, magic odours and Christmas cuisine tastes – all make up a magical celebration atmosphere indulging children and adults within the wonders of a Christmas night.The Holy Spirit is flying in the frosty air warming people’s souls with hope and joy. And no-one can be left aside at Christmas Time foe everyone is cheering with joy, singing carols and glorifying Christ’s mercy.

           On Christmas night all wishes come true and so the celebration is special. Main meals and desserts taste as never again during a year-time, houses are carefully decorated with a special attitude from each member of a family. Outside things are no less miraculous - the entire atmosphere recalls a fairy tale.  Everyone makes wishes through frosty windows, while enjoying falling snowflakes, sparkling stars above the darkness. All sorrows and regrets are forgotten and forgiven as on Christmas Night Jesus mercifully forgives every one of us.

           Everyone was getting settled close together to conserve their heat and to begin to agitate excitement. I took a deep, icy breath as my lungs swelled with air. Overhead, the sparse clouds cleared like opening curtains to reveal the young night. I leaned over towards the warm fragrance and clenched his arm. The air was a stingray nipping at my heels and pinching my nose. Above the vague horizon of pines, the sky suddenly exploded into a splash of colours and patterns.

          I wander around the house to find something interesting,I immediately proceeded to the window to look at our neighbors as they lit their firecrackers lying on the ground, different kinds of colors fill the dark skies. Noisy sounds that occupy our surroundings make up every little second of the upcoming New Year. As colors strike and dissolve the tedious engulfing sky scattered scraps of old filthy papers placed themselves on a lumpy austere roads. Booming sounds all over the place and party hat’s being blown signaling the end of the year

         Counting the days left for the exciting ,awaited ,endless 2016 night sounds unclear - why is it endless and what is the 2016 night with all its joy and happiness  to our hearts. Finally it came leaving us with unforgettable memories that lasts forever and new memories we will make for this New Year 2017.